
Showing posts from 2007

Anisuthide yaako indu...

Anisuthide Yaako Indu... Anisuthide yaako indu, Neeneyne nannavalindu, Maayadaa lokadinda... Nanagaage bandavalindu, Aahaa yentha madhura yaathane.. Kollu... hudugi omme nanna, haage summane... Anisuthide yaako indu. Suriyuva soneyu sooside ninnade parimala... Innyara kanasulu neenu hodare talamala, Poorna chandira rajaa haakida Ninnaya mogavanu kanda kshanaa... Naa khaidi neeney seremane Tabbi nanna appiko omme... haage summane... Anisuthide yaako indu. Tutigala hoovali aadada maathina sihiyide.. Manasina putadali kevala ninnade sahiyide, Haneyali bareyada ninna hesara Hrudayadi naane korediruve... Ninagunte idara kalpane, Nanna hesara kooge omme… haage summane... Anisuthide yaako indu, Neeneyne nannavalindu, Maayadaa lokadinda... Nanagaage bandavalindu, Aahaa yentha madhura yaathane... Kollu... hudugi omme nanna, haage summane... Yours Forever...

Holy S.H.I.T: A True Shistory of shit

Holy S.H.I.T This is one familiar 'word' which will be often used by many of us (especially IT Professionals, Army Guys and of course now a days, President Bush... ) not that they like this word, but mainly it comes automatically when they find themselves in a s*%# position where they have to simply utter 'S*@t'... I came across this nice information about the history of the this. For 'Self Styled Copy right policemens '...this information is for Fun only, Its not necessary to invent the wheel every time when you need it, you can make use of the best information, inventions etc and appreciate them rest of things care a S*%#. History or Shitory : (*-Shitory is that 'history' which stinks ... and every time you think about it and you say ...Shit!!!) In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before commercial fertilizer's invention, so large shipments of manure were common. It was shipped dry, because in ...

Google Cheat Sheets

Google Cheat Sheet: This google cheat sheet is very useful and may helpful if you are searching for something on google (Except if you are searching for a Girl Friend :)) Note: The Orginal Author deserves your appreciation.