Google Tricks- Series I

Google Tricks- Series I:

We are in quest or in search of some kind of knowledge most of the time, it becomes to important for us to know better techniques to search, what we want. Some time few tricks or a knolwdgeable friend will guide you to that pieace of information, which will give that cutting edge in whatever you are doing. The following article is written with the typical internet users in mind. This compilation is will be posted in series ( wait for coming series ..) . So guys here it goes....

Lets Google it!
Google is a play on the word googol, which was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, "Mathematics and the Imagination" by Kasner and James Newman. It refers to the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros.

January of 1996, Larry and Sergey had begun collaboration on a search engine called BackRub, named for its unique ability to analyze the "back links" pointing to a given website later developed into biggest search engine internet has ever seen.
Get what you want:

Having trouble finding a specific program, mp3, template, etc? Use Google Strings for all of your search. Result you get what you want!.

“parent directory ” /appz/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
“parent directory ” DVDRip -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
“parent directory “Xvid -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
“parent directory ” Gamez -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
“parent directory ” MP3 -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
“parent directory ” Name of Singer or album -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

Notice that only by changing the word after the parent directory, change it to whatever you want.

Trick: 2
put this string in google search:
?intitle:index.of? mp3

You only need add the name of the song/artist/singer.
Example: ?intitle:index.of? mp3 jackson

Trick: 3
put this string in google search:
inurl:linux filetype:iso

You can change the string to watever you want, ex. Microsoft to adobe, iso to zip etc…

Trick 4:
The "inurl" advanced operator is used to search for a term withinURL's. For example, searching for "inurl:binaryuniverse" searchedfor all sites that have the term "binaryuniverse" in their URL.

The "intitle" is used to search for a term in the title. Thus,"intitle:binaryuniverse" finds all pages with "binaryuniverse" in their title.
Trick 5:

Google also allows you to search for pages of a certain filetype,using the syntax "filetype:TYPE". Replace 'TYPE' with the file typeyou want to search for. So, if you wanted to search for tutorialson SQL that are in PDF format, you would search for the following:
SQL Tutorial filetype:PDF

Trick 6:
define:TERM Not only is Google the world's best search engine, it also happensto be a mighty fine dictionary. To use it as a dictionary, just type"define:TERM", and replace TERM with the word you wish to look up.

Trick 7:
Search For Ebook Server With Google.comAs you know is the most popular search engine in the world.Here are some tips to helps you find eBooks with Google:

Find Apache's (default) Index page
Try this query:CODE+("index of") +("/ebooks""/book") +(chmpdfziprar) +apache
Find a particular eBook file
Try this query:
CODE allinurl: +(rarchmzippdftgz) TheTitle

Now time for some Google Goodies:
Now, it's time for some fun -- Google whacking:

  • Actually, after a couple minutes, I have found Google whacking to become extremelyboring, not to mention frustrating. A google whack is a two-word query that returns one result.You may not use quotes, and both words in the query must be real words. And yes, it is very hard.
  • Use it as calculator too yes ! now use your google search bar with your mathematical expressionsEg: 5+2*2 2^20 sqrt(-4)
  • Now, try this one, In search bar type and see what happens.

so thats all for now folks, till i compile few more tricks use these ticks to search better. The very idea of sharing this information is to better your 'gooleing' or searching.

Because as the classic indian saying goes....... 'By searching you can find even, GOD'


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