Podcast your feelings

Ever felt like screaming and shout your feelings, or fascinated by Mr. Amir Sayyani's voice over your own Radio. Ever wanted to become a Radio Jockey and become very popular or Ever felt like nobody is listening to you, but you wanted to be leard. You have a opinion on every subject on the planet then you can just

Podcast your feelings...

What is podcasting?

The term podcasting is formed by joining two words ie. portable and broadcasting. The
podcasting is like radio, but only sounds better :-).

Podcasting is an easy and inexpensive way for creating radio-like content that can then be
distributed over the Internet, Viola!!!.

It makes you, a content creator, RJ, Sound engineer, Sound mixer, presenter and many more, with capabilities that were previously available only to professional broadcasters and required prohibitively expensive tools.

Podcasting also provides listeners with a listening experience that has several important
advantages over what they get with traditional radio.

The podcast didn’t emerge from any Techno Giant Companies instead, podcasting was cobbled together from several technologies by small group of technophiles, led by former Disc Jockey and MTV VJ Adam Curry and programming guru Dave Winer. The earliest known podcast began to appear in late 2004, and by early 2005 many people were posting their podcasting on the internet.

How to Podcast?
Plan on Podcast
Record Podcast
Improve pocast
Publish and Distribute Podcast

How to start a cool podcast:
Identify your listeners, focus of exclusiveness
First identify your focused listeners to whom your podcast is focused, It is a better idea to start with a small group of people keeping in mind such as your school, Friends, your locality etc. Make your podcast so exclusive that people should start related to the topic.

Design a podcast completely keeping in your listeners in mind.
Never mix anything which does not go with your intended listeners topics such as religion, politics etc should be given more thinking before it is voice over a podcast as these are very sensitive and personal topics.

Practice, Test ...some more of these.
Yes Practice and Testing is very important to capture your listeners tuned into your podcast. Always test your podcast with various environment before it is published as you don’t have much control after once it is published. Try to test and ensure your content is heard properly without much hassle.

Feed back .
This is the most trickiest part of all as you don’t know who and how many listeners you have actually, the best way is to maintain a Guest book and constant email contact with your listeners and always encourage your listeners to send feedback and publish with them with appropriate explanations, if required.

Innovate and learn new tricks of the trade.
Its fun to mix and match and learn new sound engineering techniques, and new ways to make your podcast more presentable then before. Search and brainstorming will give more ideas and new techniques.

How to setup a podcast?
Go to www.ipodder.org and download ipodder. Choose the correct OS like windows, macintosh and linux even pocket pc and smart phones. Once you've downloaded the software follow the on screen instructions to install it on your computer. Let me tell you installation is a breeze.

Find the podcasts you want and subscribe to them. This will give you a good idea and
inspirational factor to understand what other are doing, again experiment as much as

Maintain a good 'bookmarkable' podcasts so that you can keep revisiting them, rather than starting over again from the beignning .

If you are wondering what are the differences between radio and podcasting?! the answer is simple the radio is 'real-time' audio medium and podcasting time-sifts audio content for.
Your subscribers/listeners, i.e. the listeners have control over the when and how they listen to them and this is the best part. The listener, finds it extremely convenient, as he can listen to podcast whenever he wants it. But the podcaster doesn’t have control over when and how often the content is heard. Imagine you are listening to your professor's class when ever you want, may be repeatedly until you really understood what exactly he mean during his sessions.

Its great feeling to be heard by your friends and people, and those who admire you, for

being yourself.

Kannada Podcasting:
Yes guys Podcasting in our own kannada. Check out for yourself.

http://www.radionri.com/ (Future topic Radio on Net)
http://www.id3mag.com. (podcast magzine)

PS: Well, i know it needs lots of proof reading and writing too but just though ill share this post with you guys. feel free to post your comments. If you can rewirte and improve this stuff please do so for me.

prashaaMt chaMdra eM

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